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Future Love

Montego Bay Necklace (#057)

Montego Bay Necklace (#057)

Regular price $329.00 USD
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African Green Opal, Yellow Amber, & Red Coral are a reference to the beauty of Jamaica, where the people are as warm as the Turquoise waters... a place that gifted the world with the oral tradition of reggae music, a tool that was used to overcome oppression, poverty, & the postcolonial struggles of a culture rich in love, empathy, & talent. Let this necklace represent a prophecy of your own love...

  • African Green Opal.
  • Coconut Shells.
  • Howlite.
  • Red Coral.
  • Turquoise.
  • Yellow Amber.
  • Sterling Silver clasp.
  • One-of-a-kind.
  • Designed & handmade in California.
  • Inspired by a bay on the island of Jamaica.

African Green Opal Coming from all over the world, Opals have been used for centuries, & the word “Opal” is thought to come from the Latin word “Opalus,” which is possibly derived from the Sanskrit “úpala” meaning “precious stone.” Globally, Australia is currently the largest exporter of Opals, so it makes sense that the Opal is Australia's national gemstone. Along with Tourmaline, Opal is the birthstone for October, & is connected to the Libra zodiac sign. By connecting the Heart & Third Eye Chakras, or 4th & 6th Chakras, Green Opal supports us in learning how to act with both thought & feeling. For anyone who feels ruled by emotion or closed off from emotion, Green Opal is believed to gently join the heart & mind to help us grow. So if you're feeling isolated, depressed, or social anxiety, maybe Green Opal is your stone to help elevate your state of mind. 

Coconut Shells The coconut tree is often referred to as the “tree of heaven” due to its height & the beautiful environments in which it grows. Coconut palms have been cultivated for more than 3,000 years. The hard outer shell of the coconut is seen as a representation of ego. Breaking the coconut is symbolic of breaking one's ego, & letting go of pride & arrogance.

Howlite Considered by Native Americans to be the "White Buffalo Stone" with its porcelain white color and grey-ish veins, Howlite came to symbolize peace & purity. In Native American cultures, the rare white buffalo with a black nose, eyes, & hooves, a genetic anomaly, signifies spiritual connection & blessings. Most recently, a white buffalo calf was born on June 4, 2023, in Yellowstone National Park's Lamar Valley in Wyoming. The birth of the calf came after a particularly harsh winter when thousands of buffalo retreated to lower altitudes, much to their detriment. To the Lakota tribes, the calf's birth portends better times ahead. Lakota legend says about 2,000 years ago — when nothing was good, food was running out & bison were disappearing — White Buffalo Calf Woman appeared, presented a bowl pipe and a bundle to a tribal member, taught them how to pray & said that the pipe could be used to bring buffalo to the area for food. As she left, she turned into a white buffalo calf. Chief Arval Looking Horse, the spiritual leader of the Lakota, Dakota, & Nakota Oyate tribes, said that the arrival of the blessed white buffalo calf means we must do more to protect the Earth & its animals. Looking Horse explained that the baby white buffalo's birth is similar in meaning to the Christians' second coming of Jesus Christ. Many believe Howlite contains calming properties, assisting with anger management, promoting patience, & encouraging emotional stability. Some use Howlite for meditation & relaxation, believing it can help quiet the mind & promote deep sleep. Associated with both the Root & Crown Chakras, or 1st & 7th Chakras, Howlite is thought to expand our spiritual awareness while amplifying our feelings of safety & security. 

Red Coral Greek mythology explores the origin of Red Coral in the tale of Perseus. Perseus temporarily placed Medusa's head on a riverbank, where he witnessed her blood turn the seaweed into Red Coral. As a result, the Greek word for coral is 'Gorgeia,' since Medusa was one of the three Gorgons. The Romans hung pieces of coral around the necks of their children to shield them from illness & danger. Worn by a woman, coral was a charm against sterility. Red Coral signifies passion & courage, & it is linked to Mars, the planet believed to rule both the Aries & Scorpio zodiac signs.

Turquoise Ancient Egyptian tombs have provided the earliest evidence of Turquoise gemstones used in jewelry, dating back to 3000 BCE. King Tutankhamun’s iconic burial mask is an example of the Egyptians' extravagant love for the gem. The oldest Turquoise mines are located on the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. One in particular is situated near an ancient temple dedicated to Hathor, the Greek goddess of love & joy who was worshiped as a protector in the desert & as the patron saint of mining. Perhaps this is why the Egyptians named Turquoise "mefkat," which means “joy” & “delight.” Ancient Aztecs valued Turquoise for its perceived power of protection & used it to decorate ceremonial masks, knives, & shields. Also believing that Turquoise was a source of protection, Persians adorned their necks, turbans, daggers, & horses’ bridles with it. The Persians named Turqouise "pirouzeh," which means “victory.” Later on, when Turkish traders introduced this “Persian blue” stone to Europe via the Silk Road in the 13th century, this influenced the gemstone’s western name. The word “turquoise” comes from the French phrase "pierre tourques," which means “Turkish stone.” Meanwhile, pre-Columbian Native Americans mined the Turquoise stone throughout areas that are now the southwestern United States. Native American Shamans used it in sacred ceremonies to communicate with the spirit of the sky. Apache Native Americans thought that attaching turquoise to bows improved accuracy. Turquoise is linked to the 5th Chakra, or Throat Chakra, & is said to help improve communication & public speaking. Turquoise is the birthstone of December & is associated with the zodiac sign of Sagittarius.

Yellow Amber Helios, the Greek god of the sun, had a son Phaëton with a river nymph. When Phaëton died, his sisters' tears are believed to have turned into amber. Amber signifies courage & self-confidence, & has been used traditionally by ancient healers to improve memory, increase mental flexibility, & nurture balanced decision-making. It's aligned with all signs of the Zodiac, but especially for Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo & Aquarius sun, rising, & moon signs.


African Green Opal.
Coconut Shells.
Red Coral.
Yellow Amber.
Sterling Silver.

Dimensions & Volume

Length = 16.25 inches = 41.275 cm

Place of Origin

California, United States.

Care Instructions

Store in a dry, cool place. To preserve the finish of the beads and sterling silver, it's recommended to remove before entering the water.

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